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Coaching FAQ


Who can benefit from life coaching?

Well, basically, anyone! Anyone who is ready to be curious and open about who they are underneath all of the conditioning, pressure and expectations of family, society, and their environment; anyone who is ready to put the effort in to make their life better - to create a life they love living, on their terms in their own way; anyone who wants to learn tools and techniques to find motivation, overcome procrastination, gain more focus and direction, create useful habits that stick, navigate life’s obstacles and challenges, feel better about themselves!


How do I know I would benefit from working with a Life Coach?

Life coaching can help if you:

  • feel stuck or want something to change but are not sure what or how to make it happen

  • wish your life was different but lack the motivation to take the steps

  • are constantly putting yourself down, judging, or reprimanding yourself

  • regret the choices you’ve made and feel resentful

  • keep going round and round in the same circles, not moving forward

  • feel scared of changing but frustrated with what you have now

  • get overwhelmed with choices so never make a decision

  • worry that if you change things you’ll be letting other people down so bury your own needs

  • get triggered by everyone around you, making you snappy or angry, then you feel bad and put yourself down

  • feel like you’ve “settled” for what you have and given up on your dreams

  • have a gnawing feeling inside that you’re missing out on the life you were meant to lead

  • wish you had more confidence, and self-belief, were braver, stronger, or different in some way

  • want to please/look after everyone else that you forget your own needs

  • think it is too late to change now so you just need to accept things as they are

  • are scared to take risks in case you fail

  • jump from one thing to another, constantly searching for the next best thing, never happy with what you already have

  • find it hard to set goals and stick to plans, getting distracted or giving up easily

  • you blame others or your circumstances or your past for keeping you from changing


What guarantee can you give me that my life will get better?

Ah, well that entirely depends on you! If you are willing to be open and curious, if you take the learning opportunities to try different ways of doing things, if you keep going until you discover your WHY, then things will change. If you want to change and you are consistent and dedicated to your own personal discovery and growth, then your life will get better. However, if you come to coaching half-hearted or skeptical, if you don’t do what you say you will, if you give up when it gets uncomfortable, then no, your life will not get better from coaching. The bottom line is, you have to want things to change for coaching to work and you have to be prepared for it to not be easy all of the time.


What changes can I realistically expect?

Again, that depends on you, on what you want and what you do, but typically clients find:

  • self-acceptance and understanding, which means they are kinder to themselves

  • freedom from limiting beliefs that have held them back, meaning more confidence

  • clarity of what they want to change and what steps they need to take

  • more self-compassion, less critical of themselves replaced by positive self-talk

  • understanding of what works best for them so they build their day and week around those things, setting themselves up for success

  • their interpersonal relationships improve as they gain more self-awareness

  • motivation to work towards and achieve goals

  • a sense of purpose and direction leading to greater contentment

  • they feel happier, lighter, and more at ease


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